Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Kansas is Beautiful, not Boring

Ben and I have been driving through Kansas the past couple of days, and everyone we spoke to said we were going to be thoroughly bored by the state. Although we have definitely driven through endless acres of cornfields and cattle pastures, it's not like anything either of us has experienced before. Part of the point of this trip for both of us it to see and experience people and places that are unfamiliar to us. And for that reason, we actually found it to be beautiful and enjoyed ourselves very much. Saturday night we stayed in a state park, and on Sunday we biked around the park and went swimming. We liked it so much there that we didn't end up leaving until about 5pm. We drove for just two hours and stopped at another state park. It was just as pretty there, but it was too cold yesterday to swim again. We finally made it to Colorado yesterday, but we still have yet to see any mountains! Today's drive will be through the mountains into the city of Denver, and we're hoping Inigo will make the climb well.

Below are some pictures I took on Sunday evening while Ben was driving on Rt 36 through Kansas. The sun was going down behind some clouds, and it was an incredible sight.


1 comment:

Waxmom said...

Beautiful photos, Lily. Many thanks for these.