Thursday, August 14, 2008

Great time in New York

After a short layover back in Waltham, and more than a few hundred dollars spent on brake repairs for our camper Inigo, over the past few days we stayed in New Rochelle, NY with my brother Aaron, sister-in-law Diana, and nephew Seth. We were really spoiled in New York - we got our cute kid fix playing with Seth, our doggy fix playing with their dog Missy, and we ate lots of great food, including a really top notch meal at Craft in Manhattan (more on food blog). Last night, Aaron and Diana sent us to a really fun outdoor theater (Shakespeare's Twelth Night) on a cliff overlooking the Hudson River, where we drank wine and ate a nice picnic dinner before the play. The play itself was a riot - great actors, great music...just a lot of fun all around. It was really a treat.

Today we drove all the way to Washington, D.C. from New Rochelle. It was probably too much driving in one day for us. We really want to make the most of our time in D.C. though so we wanted to be here all day tomorrow. We drove through New Jersey where we got gas for $3.51/gal compared to $4.17/gal in New Rochelle. If only we had some kind of reserve tanks that we could fill up in Jersey.

We're staying with our cousins Josh and Stephanie for a few days a little bit outside D.C. We'll be spending time with my friend Allison whom I haven't really seen in a few years. Then we're off to Atlanta to visit my sister Carrie, possibly through Charlotte, N.C. where we might stay with my grandmother Romy for a night or two. The camper is really chugging along great, which is a turn in the right direction!


1 comment:

Unknown said...

And long may Inigo chug. Happy trails to you.