Monday, July 7, 2008

After the 4th

We spent this past weekend at Seneca Lake in New York. My great-aunt Jane has a little cottage on the western side near Himrod, and she has 9 kids, most with kids of their own. So I have a bunch of second cousins that range in age from 2 years old to 30 years old. We stayed at a camp site with my mom that was about a mile or two away from the cottage, so we biked there on our awesome new bikes a few times. As short as the ride was, we were both somewhat sweaty and out of breath both ways. I think we both need to build up our biking endurance a bit more.

Ben's started feeling pretty sick, and we're unsure of whether it's just a bad cold or allergies to something in the camper. He's been a really good sport though, still cooking for me plenty and doing little things around the camper.

Yesterday for lunch, we decided to grill some hot dogs on our $20 walmart grill. Well, the grill is fine, though a little rickety, but we had a bitch of a time getting the charcoal started. We REALLY need a chimney starter. After about 30 minutes or maybe longer, we finally had enough charcoal lit to... wait another 15 minutes for it to all be hot enough to grill over. And all for a few measly hot dogs!

Last night I had better luck building a fire: I did an awesome job of getting one started in about five minutes and after a few logs had burned down to mostly coals, we set up the grill grate over the heat and put on one of the steaks. Ben sliced an onion and a potato to grill. Everything was just seasoned with salt and pepper, and a little bit of oil to help cook better. Once the onions were done, Ben chopped them and dressed them with a little aged balsamic (not the cheap stuff, this is 10-year-aged stuff that's almost syrupy) and fresh basil. Holy crap was that meal awesome last night. The steak was so juicy and tender, and the onions were really tasty. The potatoes came our really nicely too. Ben cut them pretty thin, and they cooked pretty quickly and well.

Right now we're in Richfield Springs, NY staying in the parking lot of a Price Chopper supermarket. Tomorrow we'll be heading to Cooperstown for the Baseball Hall of Fame and Ommegang Brewery. After that we're headed back to Boston, but we may take more than a day to get there, because Ben isn't really up to driving right now and I did a bunch of driving already today. Maybe we'll jump on I-90 and just get to Boston really quickly - I think Ben would feel a lot better if he could take a nice long bath. Speaking of bathing, we both used the shower in the camper today, and it's not bad. A little cramped, more-so for Ben of course, but the shower nozzle has decent pressure. Anyway, it's totally fine for when we don't have better showers available to us.



Waxmom said...

Speaking as the Jewish mother, do you have a medicine cabinet stocked with non-drowsy antihistamines, Tylenol, stomache remedies, thermometer, etc.?

Be careful driving if Ben doesn't feel weel.

Then there is always chicken soup....

waxandlily said...

Yes, Mom, we have a first aid kit, plus plenty of medicine. We do need some pepto bismol for stomach issues, but we've got a good stock of other stuff. I am feeling better today.